Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tools for the Trade & Rick Rusaw

Every year in March we host a training event in Western Washington called "Tools tor the Trade." This year the event took place on Saturday, March 7th at FBC Everett. There were at least 195 people in attendance. Our guest plenary speaker was Rick Rusaw, and he hit a home run every time he spoke. Rick has become a real friend to our Region and a supporter of what we are trying to accomplish. (Check out Rick's church, Lifebridge Christian Church, for more info.)

Thanks to the leaders in the Far West Area and FBC Everett for making it happen. I'm especially grateful to the following: Pastor Roy Lindberry (Gorst Community Church) who was the point person for the planning team; Brian Harpell, senior pastor of FBC Everett, Alan Love, associate pastor and local arrangements coordinator; the worship team led by Gloria Love; workshop leaders; and many others from FBC Everett and other churches in the Far West and N. Puget Sound Areas. I know there were many behind the scenes persons, and I'm grateful for their hard work. Thanks to everyone who helped.

I would press upon you the importance of how externally focused thinking is changing how churches understand their purpose. Many of our pastors have discovered the transformational power of having their leadership board and key influencers read certain seminal books together. In particular these four are having notable influence. I recommend that your church study these writings and take them to heart:

The Externally Focused Church, by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson
The Present-Future, by Reggie McNeal
Simple Church, by Thom Rainer
Breaking the Missional Code, by David Putman and Ed Stetzer

To whet your appetite for ideas along these lines, consider these quotes from Rick Rusaw:

"One of the most effective ways to reach people with the message of Jesus Christ today is through real and relevant acts of service. Honest, compassionate service can restore credibility to the crucial message we have to share. To tell the truth, we must show the truth."

"Good deeds create good will that open hearts to Good News."

Five Characteristics of Externally Focused Churches:

  1. They believe the community cannot be healthy without the church.

  2. They believe that Christians don't grow until they begin serving, outside the church as well as inside.

  3. They understand the power of service to open hearts.

  4. They are evangelistically effective.

  5. They partner with other agencies and entities, secular and Christian alike.

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