Friday, August 21, 2009

Connecting Through Mission-Focus

I happened to speak with Pastor Gary Gilman (FBC Filer, ID and Mentor Pastor for ABCNW in south, central Idaho) this morning. As we talked he filled me in on some mission support activities he has been involved with over the last two weeks. Very recently he participated in a training event in Spokane, WA for the Missionary Partnership Team (MPT) for ABC missionary Walt White. But that's not all.

Previous to this, from July 31 through August 4, he escorted Daniel Chetti, our ABC missionary in Beirut, Lebanon, around to churches in the Intermountain Area. Daniel preached at the 9:30 AM service in Filer, and then the 11:00 AM service at FBC Twin. After that Gary transported him to FBC Elko, FBC Jerome, FBC Emmett, and FBC Nampa. Also, he planned to take Daniel to Cambridge and Midvale, but Daniel had to shorten his trip and was not able to visit our churches in those locations. That is a lot of time on the road!

I appreciate that Gary not only does an outstanding job leading an alive and vibrant church in Filer, but he has a heart for our ABC missionaries. In this way, and in numerous others, he is helping his church be healthy and mission-focused. Additionally, he is in an early adopter in the new approach to mission support that is unfolding at International Ministries.

The bonus in what Gary has been doing is the connection he is making from ABCNW church to ABCNW church, and to our ABC missionaries.

As a Region we value four Landmarks: Leadership, Church Planting, Church Transformation and Connection. To be effective in attaining these Landmarks, the ownershp of each must extend beyond Region full-time staff (three of us!). That's exactly what Gary is doing. What Gary did could be done by any other pastor and lay leader in the ABCNW. I hope others will follow his example. And, knowing Gary he would be happy to tell others how to do the same.

For information about International Ministries MPT approach to suport click here.

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